e-safety video from Lighthorne Heath Primary School on Vimeo.
Rights Links: Article 16 – Right to Privacy; Article 17 – Access to Information from the Media
Does your child use:
- a mobile phone
- the Internet
- a social networking site such as Facebook, YouTube, Bebo or Twitter
- MSN, Skype, or other instant messages
If the answer is yes, then your child is potentially at risk.
As parents and carers, our natural desire is to keep our children safe. From learning to cross the road, ride a bike or swim, parents have to teach, guide and support their children - the online world is no different. The best ways to defend against online risks are openness, awareness and education. Talk to your children about their online lives, share their experiences and learn from them, help them to use technology positively and responsibly and give them boundaries, guidance and support.
To help adults keep up with the fast pace of the ever changing world of technology, Warwickshire ICT Development Service are offering guidance, giving e-Safety advice for parents and carers.
Click here to view the Warwickshire e-Safety Advice for Parents and Carers
This handy guide covers a range of issues, giving information and guidance on:
- Computer and Online Security
- Useful tips on how your child can keep safe
- Social Networking
- Abbreviations and Acronyms that children use
- Online Gaming
- Grooming
- Cyberbullying, and
- Useful links for further guidance
We have also attached the E-Safety Information Booklet for Parents, Children and Young People provided by Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board. To download this booklet please click on the link Esafety-Book.pdf
For your convenience we have the translated the e-safety book into other languages;
ChildLine 08001111: get help and advice about a wide range of issues, talk to a counsellor online, send ChildLine and email or post on the message boards on the link below:
Internet Safety
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) - internet safety
The CEOP works accross the UK tackling child sex abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.
For more information click on the link below
The links below offer various important tips and advice on e-safety
Setting up filters on home internet:
Facebook page
Facebook Checklist
Connect Safely Parents' Guide