• Stratford Road, Lighthorne Heath, Leamington Spa,Warwickshire, CV33 9TW
School Meals

At Lighthorne Heath Primary School children enjoy a sociable meal time. We also enjoy a number of themed lunches where special menus are provided. This has included a Football Game Celebratory, Mothers and Fathers Days lunches!


Find out more about school dinners, provided by Educaterers



Here is the link to apply online for Free School Meals. Or apply by telephone: 01926 742060

Lunch Menu Download Links

Download the latest menu here by following the links provided


Cool Milk

Cool Milk is one of the UK’s leading school milk suppliers. We work in partnership with local authorities and early years groups to supply free and subsidised school milk to children in pre-schools, nurseries and primary schools. 

Click below to apply for School Milk.