Rights Link: Article 29 – Goals of Education
All pupils must be encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Reading also feeds pupils’ imagination and opens up a treasure-house of wonder and joy for curious young minds.
National Curriculum 2014

The Power of Reading is a school development project which engages teachers and children in the literacy curriculum through using high quality books and proven teaching approaches. The project offers multi-layered professional development drawing on Centre for Literacy in Primary Education's (CLPE's) highly regarded classroom-based research and experience of working with teachers. The Power of Reading project combines the use of outstanding books for teachers and children with an approach to teaching the English curriculum that is creative, engaging and develops a love of literacy.
The national Power of Reading project is in its tenth successful year and this year there are more than 400 teachers from nearly 250 schools taking part. The Power of Reading is running in London, and regional projects are taking place in Bexhill, Birmingham, NE Lincs, Liverpool and the Wirral. Staff from the Leamington Federation are participating in the Birmingham project throughout this academic year.
Please see the link below for further information about the Power of Reading Project.
PoR Research Booklet 2014-2015.pdf
Did you know that picture books are tremendously important for all readers, even confident ones? Or that parents and teachers who develop their own reading for pleasure have a huge impact on the literacy achievement of children? The CLPE know this and much more through collecting the insights and experiences of thousands of teachers who have been part of their 'Power of Reading' Project over the last 10 years.
Please see the link below for guidance on how to encourage reading for pleasure.