Rights Links: Article 16 – Right to Privacy; Article 19 – Protection from Violence, Abuse and Neglect
The Taking Care project aims to improve the safety and well being of children in Warwickshire by teaching them to keep themselves safer in a variety of situations.
Protective Behaviours (PB’s) is a safety awareness and resilience building programme which helps children and adults to recognise any situation where they feel worried or unsafe, such as feeling stressed, bullied or threatened and explores practical ways to keep safe. Protective Behaviours also looks at identifying support networks for times when we need someone to listen and help.
Protective Behaviours is based on two key messages:
- We All have the Right to Feel Safe all of the Time
- We can talk with Someone about Anything, even if it feels awful or small
The programme is used in a wide range of settings by teachers, parents, women’s refuge workers, the police, social workers, youth workers, health visitors and community workers. The approach therefore also provides a useful framework for working together to keep children safe.
Protective Behaviours is a practical down to earth approach to personal safety. It is a process that encourages self-empowerment and brings with it the skills to raise self-esteem and to help avoid being victimised. This is achieved by helping individuals to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (Early Warning Signs) and to develop strategies for self-protection.
The Protective Behaviours process encourages an adventurous approach to life that satisfies the need for fun and excitement without violence and fear.
Further information and a national practice sharing forum can also be found at PB People https://www.protectivebehaviours.org/